Welcome to Tear Cap Workshops! We are a non-profit organization dedicated to unleashing creativity through hands-on learning and crafts education.

Community at a former sawmill

Located in the beautiful hills of Oxford County, Tear Cap Workshops is committed to promoting and enriching hands-on learning and crafts education.

The former sawmill facility consists of 19 acres and 11 buildings. Many of these buildings are being repurposed as workshop spaces for established artisans — from timberframing to guitarmaking. We also offer hands-on educational classes in woodworking and wood carving, stone wall building, bookbinding, basketry, hand-built pottery, encaustics, eco-printing, Ikebana, and natural dyeing. We host educational seminars about ecology and wildlife, and host free public events. Our Tear Cap Workshops garden provides food for our community of artisans, and for events like our Open House.

Our goal is to make good use of a former millyard by building community and opportunities for connection. We aim to offer a wealth of opportunities for anyone who wants to learn a new skill or needs the space to work on a creative project.

Interested in getting more involved?

Become a member by making a donation to Tear Cap Workshops. Your donation is tax-deducible: we can’t do any of this without member support!

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Read more about our history and how Tear Cap Workshops came to be: