Hands-on Classes
We have an emerging hands-on workshop program at Tear Cap Workshops. Our goal is to offer a variety of courses in different media, all connected through traditional craft, handwork, and native Maine materials.
Spring 2024 Schedule Update:
We made the difficult decision to take a brief pause in programing to focus on some much-needed facility maintenance and repair through the spring and early summer of 2024. We have 4 different roofs that need immediate attention and the rest of the Community Woodworking Shop Eastern Wall to finish. Unfortunately, all of these projects require good weather to complete — but we plan to start having classes on the calendar again in August — if all goes according to plan.
If you’d like to help, the best way is to make a donation to Tear Cap Workshops. (Unless you happen to be a roofer and would like to come and help!) Funding keeps our engine running, and support of any amount will make a big difference. Thank you, and thank you for your patience as we tackle this new challenge.